Boracay Bonding

Just a few weeks to go and it will be summertime already! (Although our client, Havaianas says it's summer all year round!)So i'm already thinking of where to bring the kids this time, and seeing where I can squeeze in a bonding trip for us, amidst all the summer events we've got in our Creative Juice schedule and in between all the kids' summer activities (Coby told me last week "Mom, I'm going to take up 4 things this summer! wow:) ).We spent the sem break last October in Boracay, and that was super memorable. I had always wanted to go to Bora with my family because the first (and last) time I went was to manage logistics for the winner of Havaianas' Flipping for the Beach contest. While I was there on official work mode, it was a great experience because we were part of a well-planned itinerary, prepared by our Mercato Centrale partner and Our Awesome Planet publisher, Anton Diaz whose objective was to allow the winner to experience the BEST that Boracay had to offer courtesy of Havaianas. So last year, when I went back with my family, I finally had the chance to experience all these again, this time with Gary and the kids.We were welcomed by the white sandIMG_3740and loved frolicking in the waterIMG_3537IMG_3513Reese got some primping and pamperingIMG_3635IMG_3788While the boys tried out skim boardingIMG_3781'Course we had our Jona's shakesIMG_3752Then got into the seriously fun stuff! Hopped into a boat...IMG_3671And went reefwalking (09208163248)DSC01601Then parasailing! (2 at a time!)IMG_3688IMG_3717and rode the Zorbs! (09086148088)IMG_3833IMG_3603It was a super family bonding experience for us (The V's are BFF's forever, check out our family friendship bands)!IMG_3911and that puts Boracay in my list of family-friendly vacation destinations!IMG_3872Can't wait to go back!:)