PURGING (A belated Ash Wednesday post)

I wrote this post in March. Thought it would be good timing to be posting this on Easter Sunday....A few weeks ago, I became a statistic, joining the unfortunate ranks of victims of “salisi gangs” when my Mac was stolen from me.  MAC CROPBye bye, mac:(It was a loss that didn’t sink in until 3 days after. More than the loss of my laptop (good thing I back up all my files)  what I felt more was a feeling of being violated, thinking the criminals were looking at all my files and photos.Soon after, another painful incident. Our aircon in the living room spat out water and wet all the stuff underneath it, including some of my favorite books.P1010162P1010165P1010163 Now all the pages are stained and wavy...:(They come in threes. A few days later, I found out that a close colleague had betrayed my trust and I was forced to face the fact that he could have been misleading me the past years. My husband always said I was too trusting, and now, I have to let go of this relationship lest I get hurt again. Then amidst all these bad feelings and questioning came a deep realization, that this is the message of Ash Wednesday and Lent. Let go, detach yourself and re-focus on what is truly important, Juice. ash wed cropThe Lord speaks. I thank Him for this cleansing.

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