Reese's Pieces: Making a Diamond Bracelet
It was a craze that came and went. Just like most girls her age, Reese went full swing into the rainbow looming. Then just after a few months, the looms and rubber bands all went into storage, only to be reincarnated this week when she decided to make new bands for her Tita and cousins who are visiting from abroad. So on this blog, mom is doing some reincarnating on the topic as well:)After her first tutorial video posted here, we shot another one and I just realized now that I wasn't able to share it yet. So here it goes, for those who want to learn to make a Rainbow Loom Diamond BraceletFinding this video and watching it again after some time just makes me sentimental because Reese has not only moved on to her other interests, but has grown up so much since. To think this was taken just last year. Since this rainbow loom phase, she not only spent so much time creating new designs for herself, friends and family members, it started her off as a kidpreneur (kid- entrepreneur), and helped her save enough money to buy her dream doll.I'll share that story with you in a separate post! Watch out for it:)