6 Reminders for these Back-to-School Days Janice VillanuevaJuly 25, 2016alaska milk day, alaska world milk day, alaskaph, motherhood, parenting, playPH, themotherhoodjourneyComment
Making the Most of Teachable Moments Janice VillanuevaDecember 15, 2015decision making, motherhood, parenting, teachable momentsComment
Harnessing our Kids' Interests MotherhoodJanice VillanuevaNovember 8, 2015healthy kids, kids, parenting, vitaminsComment
Mamas & Papas Launch: It Takes Two to Parent! Favorite ThingsGladys GuevarraAugust 22, 2015baby gear, creative juice events, mamas and papas, parenting, sola, stroller, top mom picksComment
Avoid a Face Palm! #FaceUp Favorite ThingsJanice VillanuevaJune 30, 2014acne, parenting, pimples, raising teens, safeguard, safeguard derma sense, teenage acneComment
Brushing Can be Fun MotherhoodJanice VillanuevaFebruary 15, 2014brushing adventure, brushing teeth, dental health, kids, mom tips and tricks, parenting, pepsodent, pepsodent brushing adventureComment
Part 3: Words are Worms MotherhoodJanice VillanuevaOctober 30, 2013featured, motherhood, parenting, quaker goal, quaker oats, quaker supermomsComment
The Best Kind of Play MotherhoodJanice VillanuevaOctober 5, 2013bonding, child's play, childhood, children, games, old school games, parenting, playComment
Goal Setting with my Kids MotherhoodJanice VillanuevaSeptember 2, 2013children, featured, goal setting, motherhood, parenting, quaker supermoms Comments